Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu:Blockchain TechnologyComputer visionDigital Image ProcessingFashion LearningHealthcare SystemMachine LearningMedical ImagingNeuroInformaticsPattern Recognition
2015: Ph.D, Computer Science, Trento, Italy
2012: Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS 2012), University of Kyoto, Japan
2012: Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS 2012), University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC), USA
2011: M.Sc. by Research, Computer Science, major in Computer Vision, the University of Ritsumeikan, Japan.
2006: M.Sc., Computer Science, major in Information Systesm, UNS, VNU-HCM, Vietnam
2002: B.Sc., Information Technology, major in Artificial Intelligence UNS, VNU-HCM.
- Bao T. Nguyen, Anh H. Vo “Interior Design Style Classification with DeepLearning”, Neurocomputing Journal, 2023 (SCI-under review)
- Bao T. Nguyen, Thanh Nguyen “Detecting lung diseases from X-Ray images usingdeep learning”, Applied Soft Computing Journal, 2023 (SCI-under review)
- Alberto Bernabeo, Bao Nguyen, “Artificial Intelligence for Safety related Aviationsystems: a roadmap in the context of Vietnam”, Information Systems Research inVietnam, 2023
- Anh Vo, Huy Pham, Bao Nguyen, “An Efficient Framework for Outfit CompatibilityPrediction Towards Occasion”, Neural Computing and Applications Journal, 2023(SCI Q1)
- Anh Vo, Son Nguyen, Bao Nguyen, “Channel and Spatial Attention Mechanism forFashion Image Captioning”, International Journal of Electrical and ComputerEngineering (IJECE), 2023 (Scopus, Q2)
- Anh H. Vo, Nhu Nguyen, Thu Nguyen, Thu Dang, Qui Nguyen, Duong Nguyen, BaoT. Nguyen, “An Automatic Recommendation System for Plant DiseaseTreatment”, GTSD 2022, Nha Trang, Vietnam.
- Bao T. Nguyen, Om Prakash, and Anh H. Vo, “Attention Mechanism for FashionImage Captioning”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, book series(AISC, volume 1284), Oct 2020, (Scopus)
- Bao Nguyen, Canh Nguyen, Anh Vo, “Breast Cancer Classification with DeepLearning”, the 19th International Symposium on Communications and InformationTechnologies (ISCIT 2019), Sep 2019, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.
- Anh Vo, Bao Nguyen, “Video-based Vietnamese Sign Language Recognition usingLocal Descriptors”, ACIIDS 2019, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (WoS).
- Anh Vo, Huy Pham, Bao Nguyen, “Deep Learning for Vietnamese Sign LanguageRecognition in Video-Sequence”, IJMLC 2019 (International Journal of MachineLearning and Computing), June 2019 (Scopus).
- Anh Vo, Hoa Dang, Bao Nguyen, Huy Pham, “Vietnamese Herbal Plant Recognitionusing Deep Convolutional Feature”, IJMLC 2019 (International Journal of MachineLearning and Computing), March 2019 (Scopus)
- Anh Vo, Hoa Dang, Bao Nguyen, Huy Pham, “Vietnamese Herbal Plant Recognitionusing Deep Convolutional Feature”, ACMLC 2018, Dec 2018.
- Anh Vo, Bao Nguyen, “Recognize Vietnamese Sign Language Recognition usingLocal Descriptors in Video-sequence”, NICS 2018, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.
- Anh Vo, Huy Pham, Bao Nguyen, “Facial Expression Recognition Based on SalientRegions ”, GTSD 2018, Vietnam.
- Thien Bao Nguyen, Emanuele Olivetti, Paolo Avesani, “Mapping TractographyAcross Subjects”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 9444, pp 21-28, 978-3-319-45173-2, Sep 2016.
- Paolo Avesani, Thien Bao Nguyen, Nivedita Agarwal, Mark Bromberg, Lubdha Shah,and Emanuele Olivetti,“Tractography Mapping for Dissimilarity Space AcrossSubjects”, the 5th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging(PRNI 2015), June 10-12 2015, Stanford University, CA, USA.
- Paolo Avesani, Emanuele Olivetti, Thien Bao Nguyen, Nusrat Sharmin, and NiveditaAgarwal, “White-Matter Alignment Across Subjects by Tractography Mapping”,Human Brain Mapping (HBM 2015).
- Diana Porro-Munoz, Emanuele Olivetti, Nusrat Sharmin, Thien Bao Nguyen,Eleftherios Garyfallidis, and Paolo Avesani, “Tractome: A Visual Data Mining Too forBrain Connectivity Analysis”, International Journal of Data Mining and KnowledgeDiscovery, 2014 (SCI Q1).
- Bao T. Nguyen, Emanuele Olivetti, and Paolo Avesani, “Multiple-Scale Visualizationof Large Data Based on Hierarchical Clustering”, International Journal of Computerand Electrical Engineering, Vol. 6, no.2, pp. 77-82, 2014 (Scopus).
- Thien Bao Nguyen, Emanuele Olivetti and Paolo Avesani, “Mapping TractographyAcross Subjects”, Machine Learning and Interpretation in Neuroimaging (MLINI2014), conjunction with NIPS-2014, Dec 8-13, 2014, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
- Thien Bao Nguyen, Paolo Avesani, and Lauren O’Donnell, “Comparison of voxelbasedand tract-based affine registration for tract segmentation”, Human BrainMapping (HBM 2014), June 8-12, 2014, Hamburg, Germany.
- Bao Nguyen Thien, Emanuele Olivetti and Paolo Avesani, “Visualization of LargeData based on Hierarchical Clustering”, the 6th International Conference onComputer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT 2013), Dec 19-21, 2013,Paris, France.
- Thien Bao Nguyen, Paolo Avesani, and Lauren O’Donnell, “Tractographyregistration: comparison of voxel-based and tract-based affine method”, Invited talk,Dec 14, 2013, Medical School, Harvard University
- E Olivetti, T B Nguyen, E Garyfallidis, N Agarwal, P Avesani, “Fast Clustering forInteractive Tractography Segmentation”, the 3rd International Workshop on PatternRecognition in NeuroImaging (PRNI 2013), June 22-24, 2013, University ofPennsylvania, Philadelphia PA, USA
- P Avesani, E Olivetti, E Garyfallidis, N Agarwal, T B Nguyen, “Clustering-AidedTractography Segmentation”, Journal of Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 2013 (SCIEQ1)
- E Olivetti, T B Nguyen, E Garyfallidis “The approximation of the dissimilarityprojection ”, the 2nd International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging(PRNI 2012), July 2-4, 2012, UCL, London, UK
- E Garyfallidis, S Gerhard, P Avesani, T Nguyen, V Tsiaras, I Nimmo-Smith, E Olivetti,“A software application for real-time, clustering-based exploration oftractographies”, Human Brain Mapping (HBM 2012), June 10-14, 2012, Beijing,China.
- Bao Nguyen Thien, Yoshiaki Shirai, “Auto Feature Selection Algorithms for ObjectDetection”, the twenty-sixth International Conference on Image and VisionComputing, November 29-December 1, 2011, New Zealand.
- Bao Nguyen Thien, Yoshiaki Shirai, “Object Retrieving from Large Image Databaseby Automatic Feature Selection”, the 14th International Conference on ComputerAnalysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP2011), Aug. 2011, Spain, ERA B.
- Bao Nguyen Thien, Yoshiaki Shirai, “Auto Feature Selection for Object Detection,Can or Can’t?”, the 27th Spring conference on Computer Graphics (SCCG 2011),April, 2011, Slovakia.
- Bao Nguyen Thien, Yoshiaki Shirai, “Object Retrieving from Image Database”,PRMU (Pattern Regconition and Media Understanding) Conference, Japan, Jan 2011.
- Bao Nguyen Thien, Tadashi Matsuo, Yoshiaki Shirai, “Object Detection Based onEdge, Corner and HoG Feature”, Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 46(5A), 2010.
- Bao Nguyen Thien, Yoshiaki Shirai, “Object Detection Based on Edge, Corner andHoG Feature”, International Conference on Advanced Computing and Applications2010 (ACOMP2010), HoChiMinh, VietNam.
- Bao Nguyen Thien, Yoshiaki Shirai, “Object Detection for Large Image DatabaseRetrieval”, IEICE Information System Society (ISS) Conference, Tohoku, Sendai,Japan, 2010, ERA C.
- Bao Nguyen Thien, Yoshiaki Shirai, “A simple approach for efficiently objectdetecting”, IIEEJ Image Electronics and Visual Computing Workshop 2010(IEVC2010) in Nice, France, March 2010.
- Bao Nguyen Thien, Yoshiaki Shirai, “Combine multiple features for objectdetecting”, International Human Information Processing (HIP) conference, Sendai,Japan, Dec 2009.