2013: Bachelor of Robotics, Korea Advanced Institute of Technology and Science (KAIST), South Korea
2017: Doctor of Robotics, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
1. Programming C/C++/Python
2. Deep Learning frameworks: Tensorflow, Keras, Pytorch
3. Robotic Platform: ROS 1/2
4. Robotic Simulation: Gazebo, OpenRAVE, Moveit Motion Planning
5. Software Libraries: OpenCV, PCL, Calibration
6. Hardwares: NVIDIA Jetson Nano, Xavier Jetson NX, Xavier Jetson AGX, Raspberry Pi
7. Universal Robot: UR3e, UR5, UR5e
1. Modelling and design of a synergy-based actuator for a tendon-driven soft robotic glove
M Xiloyannis, L Cappello, Dinh Binh Khanh, SC Yen, L Masia
2016 6th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BIOROB)
2. Preliminary design and control of a soft exosuit for assisting elbow movements and hand grasping in activities of daily living
M Xiloyannis, L Cappello, Dinh Binh Khanh, CW Antuvan, L Masia
Journal of rehabilitation and assistive technologies engineering
3. Adaptive backlash compensation in upper limb soft wearable exoskeletons
Dinh Binh Khanh, M Xiloyannis, L Cappello, CW Antuvan, SC Yen, L Masia
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 92, 173-186
4. Hierarchical cascade controller for assistance modulation in a soft wearable arm exoskeleton
Dinh Binh Khanh, M Xiloyannis, CW Antuvan, L Cappello, L Masia
IEEE robotics and automation letters 2 (3), 1786-1793
5. Design and preliminary characterization of a soft wearable exoskeleton for upper limb
L Cappello, Dinh Binh Khanh, SC Yen, L Masia
2016 6th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BIOROB)
6. Soft wearable assistive robotics: exosuits and supernumerary limbs
L Masia, I Hussain, M Xiloyannis, Dinh Binh Khanh, C Pacchierotti, L Cappello, M Malvezzi, …
Wearable Exoskeleton Systems: Design, control and applications, 219-254
7. Position control using adaptive backlash compensation for bowden cable transmission in soft wearable exoskeleton
Dinh Binh Khanh, L Cappello, M Xiloyannis, L Masia
2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
8. Design and preliminary testing of a soft exosuit for assisting elbow movements and hand grasping
M Xiloyannis, L Cappello, Dinh Binh Khanh, CW Antuvan, L Masia
Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation
9. Localized Extreme Learning Machine for online inverse dynamic model estimation in soft wearable exoskeleton
Dinh Binh Khanh, L Cappello, L Masia
2016 6th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BIOROB)
10. Actuation for robot-aided rehabilitation: Design and control strategies
L Masia, M Xiloyannis, Dinh Binh Khanh, AC Wilson, S Contu, KG Yongtae
Rehabilitation Robotics, 47-61 8 2018
11. Multistable series elastic actuators: Design and control
L Cappello, M Xiloyannis, Dinh Binh Khanh, A Pirrera, F Mattioni, L Masia
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 118, 167-178
12. Development of emotional attachment on a cleaning robot for the long-term interactive affective companion
JY Yang, Dinh Binh Khanh, HG Kim, DS Kwon
2013 IEEE RO-MAN, 288-289
13. Control implementation of compliant composite material actuators for wearable robotic exoskeleton
Dinh Binh Khanh, L Cappello, L Masia
2015 IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), 470-477